Thursday, April 10, 2014

Are you wasting your vote on the altar of lofty ideals ?

If you are going out braving the scorching heat of the Indian summer, should not you make sure that your vote matters, and plays a part in the outcome of the poll ?

Consider this -

"In India's first past the post election system, if you have not voted for the runner up, then it means you have voted for the winner."

AAP and Modi supporters I hope you understand the meaning and gravity of the above statement.
In other words -

"If you have not voted for the winner or the runner up, your vote has gone down the drain."

One should beware and not fall into the traps similar to those of MNS, PrajaRajyam etc.

Check out these link, play around and see the spoilers in different constituencies -



You can get the original detailed results from the horse's mouth here -

2. There was no number one but here's number two.

Remember the election is for the Central govt not your local municipality, so more than the winner's impact on  local governance, impact will be more on the National policies and the broad direction the nation will take. Don't be naive enough to think otherwise.

So before you decide on whom to vote, do a sanity check, and think whom you don't want to win at any cost. Because that is how the not-so-polished and not-so-over-educated but smart janta votes and makes their candidate victorious.

In summary realpolitik (and not so common commonsense among the intellectuals) demands to vote in a way, so that the most acceptable to you wins or at least some one who is acceptable to you wins and not in a way that leads to victory of the one you never wanted to win.

I rest my case here.
Comments and brickbats welcome.  

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